I remember where I was when my mom called dad and me to tell us that my grandmom had died of cancer after having spent the last half a year of her rather short life in upright position to prevent liquid gathering in her lungs and literally drowning her.
I remember where I was when my first boyfriend called me and said that at his sweet eighteen years of age he was too young for a commitment and the world crumbled under my feet.
I remember where I was when my mom and dad told me that they had euthanized our ill dog whom I had had for as long as I could remember myself.
I remember where I was at the moment when reports from the Twin Towers on 9/11 started flooding TV screens and our minds never to be deleted again.
I remember where I was when the pregnancy test confirmed that I would be a mom for the first time in my life.
I remember where I was when the very first scene of the book I'm working on kicked into my mind.
I remember where I was when a friend showed and explained to me how emails work and blew my mind.
I remember where I was when my younger child, racing with his sister, stumbled and fell slashing his forehead open to be mended again with five stitched in hospital.
I remember where I was when saw my child laugh in his sleep this morning.
I remember...
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